General Health and Safety Risk Assessment
The ETS team has considerable experience in the field of Health and Safety Risk Assessment and is ideally placed to ease the strain placed upon businesses to achieve legislative compliance.
We assist our clients so that measures are in place to ensure that health and safety is effectively managed and risk assessed. Where improvements are made ETS interpret the law for you and provides practical, workable solutions. Our risk assessments provide risk levels against any hazards identified to allow our clients to prioritise where action is required.
At ETS we advocate the Health And Safety Executives Five Step Approach to Risk Assessment:
1. Identify the hazards
2. Identify the people at risk
3. Evaluate the risk and decide on precautions
4. Record the findings and implement actions
5. Review the Risk Assessment and update if necessary
ETS can carry out your risk assessments for you. Alternatively we can support you through the risk assessment process by providing staff training, risk assessment templates and reviewing risk assessment content to ensure key risks are suitably documented and controlled. Specialist assessments can also be undertaken including work at height, task specific work assessments and Control Of Substances Hazardous To Health (COSHH) assessments.
Legal Requirements;The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 require that suitable and sufficient risk assessments must be carried out for the risks arising from the workplace and work activities as they affect employees and others.