Display Screen Assessment
Sitting at a computer all day can be harmful to our health. Increasingly employers are finding employees taking time off work due to illnesses which may have been aggravated by prolonged use of desktops, tablets and other mobile devices. Our consultants have considerable experience in undertaking display screen assessments. We aim to make changes to the workstation where possible when on site undertaking an assessment with an employee. Issues can often be resolved simply without the need for purchasing expensive chairs, often users just haven’t set up their workstation appropriately.
We can undertake display screen assessments for your employees. Alternatively, we can support you through the risk assessment process by providing training for existing employees to undertake assessments, proformas and reviewing completed assessments.
Legal Requirements:
The Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations 1992 require employers to minimise the risks in DSE work by ensuring that workplaces and jobs are well designed. This is achieved by undertaking a DSE assessment which analyses the workstation including equipment, furniture and the work environment, the job being undertaken and the user.